

Posted on May 27, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 219 words  • Category: 

About Me

Hi, I’m Mika, a digital marketer.

MBTI fluctuates between ISFJ, INTP, and ISFP.

I have an astonishing drive for things that interest me, but once I take action, it only lasts for three minutes. Most of the time, I suffer from procrastination, where my mind is active but my body doesn’t follow suit.

After completing my thesis and finishing the anxiety-inducing defense, considering the limited availability of online information regarding degree programs for part-time student, I wanted to write a blog to share my experiences with juniors. But despite planning everything I wanted to write in my mind, I have no motivation to write it down. As a result, I didn’t start working on it until my juniors were about to graduate.

That’s why this website exists.

I am not a programmer and have only a limited understanding of HTML and CSS, but I still attempt to build a blog on my own. This site may have many bugs, so I welcome any experts to kindly provide guidance.🥹

Mika posts on 2023.05.27

About This Website

This website is generated by Hugo , with the theme adapted from Blist by Varun A P

The favicon source is from Freepik , and the LOGO source is from Freepik as well.

Some photos on this website were downloaded from Unsplash

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Too lazy to say my thoughts.